Final Bow: A Tribute to Time and Love

In the quiet hush of solemn farewells,

Where whispers of grief and memories swell,

We stand, a gathering by the isle’s grace,

To witness your final, earthly embrace.

The twinkle dims, yet in hearts, it stays bright,

Your journey’s last act, in the soft, fading light.

Center stage, you’re honored, a final bow,

Lowered to rest, in silent vows now.

Paralyzed thoughts, in the mind’s deep maze,

Contemplating the inevitable days.

How do we cherish each breath, each sight,

Ensure our days count in the dwindling light?

Oh Father, my compass, guiding so true,

As the eternal steers my being anew.

Seasons may wane, our time may fleet,

In your wisdom, our lives are complete.

How many more autumns shall we see?

Together, embracing life’s decree.

A vow to waste not, the precious time we own,

In each other’s presence, love has grown.

Childish wishes, in naivety’s embrace,

Now dissolve in maturity’s trace.

Regret not; for in growth, wisdom is found,

In love and honor, our lives are sound.

I love you, I honor your guiding light,

Praying together, we fulfill our plight.

In the Master’s plan, our paths are set,

May we complete our Lot, without regret.

~Odera Macfoy

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