Thoughts that linger

Writings by the conscious free thinker may expose the subconscious thoughts and feelings embedded in the fingertips of he who pens down his thoughts, using what ever means available to him at the time of  expression. The evolution of ideas from thoughts implanted by the surroundings, can be a misguided ploy which sometimes we find out was never in our best interest. The […]


The only thing I want is for us to be a couple, to have a common goal and a good life, we are different but our feelings should be the same, this life that we have together is to be the best thing to happen to us and so we must fight to keep hold […]

Olympic Charter

This seems to me a good read written  by Musa Okwonga I Believe it would provide an equally stimulating read  ” “If they’re Brits, we call it tactics. If not, it’s cheating”…. “There’s the Corinthian ethos, there’s bending the rules and there’s plain dishonesty. Have the Olympics become too competitive”? Musa Okwonga  Whenever competitors try to work around […]

silhouette- one man is no man

Writings by the conscious freethinker may expose the subconscious thoughts and feelings embedded in the fingertips of he who pens down his thoughts, using what ever means available to him at the time of expression. The evolution of ideas from thoughts implanted by the surrounding, can be a misguided ploy which sometimes we find out […]